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Grants & Awards

Paddy Pallin Research Grants - Past Awardees



Do dingoes influence riparian vegetation dynamics in semi-arid rangelands of Western Australia?

Zali Jestrimski

University of Sydney


Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Digging up the dirt on soil odour: Exploiting a major nesting cue to reduce fox predation on turtle nests

Peregrin Reed

University of Sydney


Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation 


Non-lethal dingo management to benefit threatened species conservation, public safety and ecosystem resilience

Alexander Dibnah

University of New South Wales


Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 


Greater Bilby associations with fire mosaics in the semi-arid mallee

Sam Girvan

University of Melbourne


Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 


Food-web dynamics of urchin barrens habitats; who is in control?

Jeremy Day

University of Newcastle

Progress report

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

Carrion and Scavenging as an Ecological Indicator

Rhys Cairncross

University of Sydney

Progress report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Improving predator management by understanding predator use of prey odours

Shanaz Masani

University of Sydney

Progress report Figures

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

Bandicoot battlers: Understanding historical and contemporary coexistence between humans and a misunderstood native digging mammal

Annabel Ellis

University of Sydney

Progress report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation


Outcomes of feral horse management methods for horses, people and the environment - a One Welfare approach

Victoria Condon

University of New England

Research summary

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

A multidisciplinary approach to assess the impacts of anthropogenic noise on Australian fur seals

Jessalyn Taylor

University of Sydney

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Animal dispersal in a fragmented landscape: causes, costs, and consequences for conservation

Niki Teunissen

Monash University

Progress report

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

The contribution of mycophagous mammals to ecosystem function and restoration

Aviya Naccarella

Deakin University

Final report Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales


Neighbourhood watch - using 'virtual' neighbours to protect plants from herbivores during habitat restoration and post-fire recovery

Patrick Finnerty

School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Koalas, dingoes and drones: using thermal imaging to establish detection probability of GPS collared dingoes and determine koala density in the Myall Lakes Region of NSW

Ryan Witt

School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Assessing the impact of forestry plantation macropod culling programs on lead exposure in Tasmanian devils

Evie Jones

School of Natural Sciences, University of Tasmania

Final report

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

Conservation of two data deficient Australian skink species

Jules Farquhar

School of Biological Sciences, Monash University

Final report

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales


Effective methods for robust population estimates for a nocturnal predator: Chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii) across the south-west, Western Australia

Melissa Taylor

School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Assessing the effectiveness of artificial refuge tunnels in post-fire small mammal population recovery

Angela Rana

School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney

Final report Figures

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

The influence of fine-scale environmental variation and anthropogenic stresses on the foraging ecology of marine mesopredators in south-east Tasmania

Olivia Dove

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Final report

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales

Using an endemic blowfly as an indicator of genetic connectivity and diversity throughout Australian rainforests

Nathan Butterworth

School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney

Final report

Funded by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales



Restoring connectivity for the threatened squirrel glider in an increasingly fragmented and urbanised core area of NSW

Ninon Meyer

School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Living on the edge: behaviour, foraging and movement of mallee birds at fire boundaries

Eliza Thompson

School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation


The Secret Garden: discovering Wollongong's deep-water (40-60m) animal forests & examining anchor scour as a disturbance agent to these assemblages

Allison Broad

School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong

Progress report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation


Quantifying the ecological role of surface rocks on reptile conservation in agricultural landscapes

Jackie O'Sullivan

Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University

Final report Supplementary materials

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation


Understanding the role of urban wildlife in tick ecology: resolving uncertainty and concerns about the primary hosts for ticks

Casey Taylor

School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

The impact of large invasive herbivores on alpine and subalpine ecosystems; a case study of an Endangered alpine skink

Renee Hartley

Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Roosting ecology and requirements of flying-foxes: detailed insights using high resolution spatial mapping techniques

Tamika Lunn

Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

Saving the Endangered Northern Bettong with Fire

Christopher Pocknee

School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife


Who benefits from resource supplementation in urban landscapes?

Caragh Threlfall

School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

"The Dingo Menace" - a cross-continental and comparative study of farmer attitudes and behaviour towards dingoes to improve management.

Lily van Eeden

School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Remote sensing of Greater Glider habitat-determinants for population and abundance estimations on a landscape-scale

Benjamin Wagner

School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

The role of calcareous macroalgae Halimeda in provision of inter-reef benthic habitat and structural complexity in the northern Great Barrier Reef

Mardi McNeil

School of Earth, Environmental and Biological Science, Queensland University of Technology

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife


The untold story of underground communities: fungi and soil seedbanks in Mountain Ash Forests

Elle Bowd

Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Testing the response of the threatened New Holland mouse to planned burns

Phoebe Burns

University of Melbourne and Museum Victoria

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Development of unmanned aerial systems (UAVs) for non-destructive shark management

Andrew Colefax

Southern Cross University

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

Uptake of aquaculture waste by keystone reef species

Camille White

Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies - Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Tasmania

Progress report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife


Halting Australia’s mammal declines: a demographic, ecological and genetic approach to fire response in Australian native rodents

Robyn Shaw

Division of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics, Australian National University

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

How personality traits influence interactions with wildlife trapping devices

Kyla Johnstone

Ecology and Conservation Research Group, the University of Sydney

Progress report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) Faecal Bacterial Microbiome; Does Change in Diet Impact Community Structure?

Kylie Brice

Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, University of Western Sydney

Progress report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

The role of seagrass dispersal by marine mega-herbivores, dugong (Dugong dugon) and green seagrass re-establishment strategies in tropical Queensland

Samntha Tol

College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife



The ecology of parasite transmission in fauna translocations

Amy Northover

Murdoch University

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Conservation planning for mangrove forests and their terrestrial vertebrates

Stefanie Rog

School of Biological Sciences, Monash University

Final report

Funded by the Paddy Pallin Foundation

Conserving the fish of surf zones: how effective are land and sea reserves?

Andrew Olds

School of Science & Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast

Final report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

Tiger shark behaviour revealed by their movement and tissues: implications for ecology and conservation

Luciana Ferreira

School of Animal Biology/Centre For Marine Futures, University of Western Australia

Progress report

Funded by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

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