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Australian Zoologist

The Royal Zoological Society of NSW publishes a fully refereed scientific journal, Australian Zoologist, specialising in topics relevant to Australian zoology. The Australian Zoologist was first published by the Society in 1914, making it the oldest Australian journal specialising in zoological topics. The scope of the journal has increased substantially in the last 30 years, and it now attracts papers on a wide variety of zoological, ecological and environmentally related topics. Australian Zoologist is published three times per year.

All papers published in Australian Zoologist are available digitally online, with the vast majority open access. To access papers published since 1985, use the link below.

Australian Zoologist 1985 - Present

(note - this link will NOT give members access to the full text papers - see below)

Papers published prior to 1985 can be found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library, which is the  is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. All papers included in the archive are open access.

Australian Zoologist Prior to 1985


An individual subscription to Australian Zoologist is available by joining the Society.

For information on institutional subscriptions, including fees, please email us at

Member/subscriber Access

Full access to Australian Zoologist is available to subscribers (members with publications). You must be logged in to this site ( and can either click the button below, or chose PUBLICATIONS/AUSTRALIAN ZOOLOGIST ACCESS (MEMBERS ONLY) from the menu above.

Australian Zoologist Access (members only)

The Royal Zoological Society of NSW aims to promote and advance the science of zoology and protect, preserve and conserve the indigenous animals of Australasia and their associated habitats

Australian Business Number (ABN) : 31 000 007 518

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